Miles per Hour to Kilometers per Hour Converter

Miles per Hour to Kilometers per Hour Converter

© Imperial Calculator Ltd. Disclaimer: All Converters in the Imperial Calculator have been reviewed by the relevant Imperial measurement system experts.

The Formula for Miles per Hour to Kilometers per Hour Converter

Kilometers per Hour (kph) = Miles per Hour (mph) × 1.60934


  • kph: Speed in kilometers per hour
  • mph: Speed in miles per hour
  • 1.60934: Conversion factor (1 mile = 1.60934 kilometers)

Why Convert Miles per Hour to Kilometers per Hour?

Knowing how to convert mph to km/h is essential when traveling internationally, reading vehicle speedometers, or interpreting speed limits in different regions. It helps ensure that you drive safely and comply with local traffic regulations.

Conversion Formula

The conversion from miles per hour to kilometers per hour is straightforward. One mile equals 1.60934 kilometers.


Kilometers per Hour (km/h) = Miles per Hour (mph) × 1.60934

This simple formula ensures accurate conversions for various practical applications.

Miles per Hour to Kilometers per Hour
Miles per Hour to Kilometers per Hour

Step-by-Step Conversion Process

Here’s a step-by-step guide to convert mph to km/h manually:

  1. Identify the Speed in mph: Start by noting the speed value you want to convert.
  2. Apply the Formula: Multiply the speed in mph by 1.60934.
  3. Round the Result (Optional): Round the final answer to two decimal places for simplicity.


Convert 60 mph to km/h:

60 mph × 1.60934 = 96.5604 km/h

So, 60 mph is approximately 96.56 km/h.

Practical Use Cases

  • Driving Internationally: Understanding speed limits in countries that use km/h.
  • Fitness Tracking: Converting running or cycling speeds recorded in mph.
  • Aviation and Boating: Ensuring accurate speed measurements.

Quick Conversion Table

Here’s a handy reference table for common speed values:


Frequently Asked Questions

1. Why is the conversion factor 1.60934?

The conversion factor comes from the exact distance equivalence between a mile and a kilometer, where 1 mile equals 1.60934 kilometers.

2. Can I round the conversion factor for simplicity?

Yes, for everyday use, you can round the conversion factor to 1.61, but using 1.60934 provides more accuracy.

3. Is there a difference between miles per hour and nautical miles per hour?

Yes, nautical miles per hour are measured in knots, which are different from standard miles per hour. One nautical mile equals 1.852 kilometers.

Using Online Converters

If manual calculations seem tedious, online mph to km/h converters provide instant and accurate results. Simply enter the speed in mph, and the tool will display the equivalent speed in km/h.


Converting miles per hour to kilometers per hour is simple and useful for various applications, from driving to fitness tracking. Remember the conversion factor (1 mph = 1.60934 km/h) and use it whenever needed. Stay safe and informed by understanding speed conversions.

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